Make a donation


Any donations we receive applies directly to our events and programs as well as helping us maintain our historic 1951 modernist architecture building.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Ways you can donate!


Donations are simple and safe on Paypal! When donating to Italian Charities of America on PayPal, click the button on top of the website. You will have three options you can choose from just scroll and pick either:

1. Yearly Membership (which is $25.00 per person)

Please be sure to click on $25 for your donation amount and fill out your correct information such as your name, address and email. The benefits of your membership includes a membership card, two free Saturday Night Dance tickets, discounted rates on select events, you will receive mailings and a free invite to our yearly Scholarship Ceremony. We hope you will consider supporting our nonprofit organization and join us in becoming a member.

2. General Donation

Please click on the amount you would like to donate or click on the “other” box and enter your desired amount, We accept any donation amount, no amount is ever too small or too large. Please feel free to leave your information if you would like to be on our email list.

3. Yearly Scholarships

When scrolling and clicking on yearly scholarship your donation will go directly to our scholarship fund, don’t forget to chose your amount. Please feel free to leave your information if you would like to be on our email list.


Go to the donate button on our Facebook Page!


Choose us as your nonprofit organization when making purchases on Amazon. When shopping on Amazon don’t forget to go to and AmazonSmile donates a percentage of your purchase to Italian Charities of America.